
WHY is a reimagining of current human landscapes necessary? WHAT needs to be done to put us in a better place? HOW do we start? These questions are just the beginning. Project: Rebirth commits to educating both members and the wider public on understanding current socio-ecological frameworks and how to implement sustainable solutions.

We aim to do this in a number of ways. The first is our mentorship program, where youth environmentalists can be connected to experienced mentors to receive guidance and support. We are also working on developing a series of online training packages focused on a number of topics including basic environmental science and implementing sustainable lifestyles at home as well as more practical, focused, skill-based packages for young environmentalists to develop themselves. 

Beyond that however, Project: Rebirth commits to engaging with youth environmentalists directly in order to provide them with practical training and experience. This will come in the form of training workshops and educational conferences, but more importantly in the form of demonstration sites that allow members to develop their skills by engaging with projects on the ground. These demonstration sites aim to showcase sustainable practices including regenerative agriculture, syntropic food forests, passive house development, and more.